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PKGBUILD Syntax Distro/Architecture Specific Variables Differences from makepkg Comparisons to Other Tools

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Distro/Architecture Specific Variables

Certain variables used by makedeb can contain distribution and architecture extensions. Let’s consider this example:


All of these variables are used for the depends variable, likewise behaving in the following way:

  1. If the system’s distribution is focal and the system’s architecture is amd64, depends is set to pkg4.
  2. If the system’s distribution is focal, depends is set to pkg3
  3. If the system’s architecture is amd64, depends is set to pkg2.
  4. If none of the criteria are met, depends is set to pkg1.

The system’s distribution is found via the lsb_release -cs command, and the system’s architecture via dpkg --print-architecture.

If more than one match is found (such as both depends_amd64 and focal_depends_amd64), the following order of specificity is used, with the first being of highest priority:

  1. focal_depends_amd64 (distribution + architecture)
  2. focal_depends (distribution)
  3. depends_amd64 (architecture)
  4. depends (bare variable)

The following variables currently support distribution and architecture extensions:

  • checkdepends
  • conflicts
  • depends
  • makedepends
  • optdepends
  • provides
  • replaces
  • source
  • control_fields
  • cksums
  • md5sums
  • sha1sums
  • sha224sums
  • sha256sums
  • sha384sums
  • sha512sums
  • b2sums