



Release Types Shell Script APT Repository makedeb Package Repository Docker


PKGBUILD Syntax Distro/Architecture Specific Variables Differences from makepkg Comparisons to Other Tools

Using the MPR

Introduction Mist - The MPR CLI Installing Packages Uploading Packages Support Policy


Introduction Getting Started Adding Packages

MPR User Guidelines

Marking Maintainers in a PKGBUILD Package Relationships Using Experimental makedeb Features


Obtaining Support Community Events makedeb Team Ways to Support makedeb Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

Marking Maintainers in a PKGBUILD

Current and past maintainers of packages on the MPR MUST have a commented line at the top of the PKGBUILD with their name/username followed by their email address.

An exception to this rule exists for bot accounts, which may be omitted at the discretion of the primary maintainer of a package.

The email address may appear normally or disguised, at the discretion of the user.

Maintainers and Co-Maintainers should both be listed as maintainers, with previous maintainers being listed as contributors.

With that, regard the following format when entering maintainers and contributors into a PKGBUILD:

# Maintainer: John Doe <>
# Maintainer: Jane Doe <janedoe at example dot com>
# Contributor: Foo Bar <>

Entering the maintainers into # Maintainer comments is vital to the Maintainer field in the built package functioning properly.