



Release Types Shell Script APT Repository makedeb Package Repository Docker


PKGBUILD Syntax Distro/Architecture Specific Variables Differences from makepkg Comparisons to Other Tools

Using the MPR

Introduction Mist - The MPR CLI Installing Packages Uploading Packages Support Policy


Introduction Getting Started Adding Packages

MPR User Guidelines

Marking Maintainers in a PKGBUILD Package Relationships Using Experimental makedeb Features


Obtaining Support Community Events makedeb Team Ways to Support makedeb Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

Getting Started

The Prebuilt-MPR currently supports and publishes packages for the following distributions and architectures:


  • Ubuntu 20.04 (focal)
  • Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy)
  • Ubuntu 23.04 (lunar)
  • Debian 11 (bullseye)
  • Debian 12 (bookworm)


  • amd64
  • arm64 (currently only experimentally supported)

While the Prebuilt-MPR supports the above distributions and architectures, this doesn’t mean all packages will be available for all systems:

  • The MPR itself only supports the latest Ubuntu LTS release, and packages are thus not guaranteed to be available on other distributions.
  • As stated above, arm64 support is currently experimental, and packages may not be available.

You can see what packages are available after setting up the Prebuilt-MPR APT repository on your system.

Setting up the repository

Run the following to set up the APT repository on your system:

wget -qO - '' | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/prebuilt-mpr-archive-keyring.gpg 1> /dev/null
echo "deb [arch=all,$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/prebuilt-mpr-archive-keyring.gpg] prebuilt-mpr $(lsb_release -cs)" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/prebuilt-mpr.list
sudo apt update

If you’re on an unsupported distribution, you can substitute the $(lsb_release -cs) command with any of the above distributions. Note that packages may not work though.

You can then proceed with installing packages from the Prebuilt-MPR.