



Release Types Shell Script APT Repository makedeb Package Repository Docker


PKGBUILD Syntax Distro/Architecture Specific Variables Differences from makepkg Comparisons to Other Tools

Using the MPR

Introduction Mist - The MPR CLI Installing Packages Uploading Packages Support Policy


Introduction Getting Started Adding Packages

MPR User Guidelines

Marking Maintainers in a PKGBUILD Package Relationships Using Experimental makedeb Features


Obtaining Support Community Events makedeb Team Ways to Support makedeb Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

Uploading Packages

To upload PKGBUILDs to the MPR, you must first already have an SSH key pair on your local system.

After such, add the public key to your account under the My Account section, and then properly configure SSH in your ~/.ssh/config file like so:

  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/name_of_ssh_key
  User mpr

When uploading the SSH key to your profile on the MPR, make sure you only upload the file with the .pub extension.

On the contrary, ~/.ssh/name_of_ssh_key in the above example should point to the file without the .pub extension.

Verifying your connection

You should now verify your connection to the MPR, which consists of first verifying the SSH fingerprints for the MPR (which can be found on the MPR instance information page while logged out), and then verifying that you actually logged in fine.

To test everything, you can run the following:

ssh ""

On a successful connection, you should get a message similar to such:

PTY allocation request failed on channel 0
Interactive shell is disabled.
Try `ssh help` for a list of commands.
Connection to closed.

Uploading your package

Next, clone the Git repository for the package you’d like to add and copy the PKGBUILD to that directory (replace pkgname with the name of your package):

git clone "ssh://"

Lastly, generate the SRCINFO file, then commit and push the changed files:

makedeb --print-srcinfo | tee .SRCINFO
git commit -m "A very creative commit message"
git push